Untitled, 2024, paper clay, wire, 21” x 9” x 5”
Swamp King, wire, paper clay, fabric, paper, 25" x 5.5" x 11," 2024
Storm, 2024, wire, fabric, string, matte medium, 14" x 13" x 11"
The Human Race, 2024, wire, fabric, wood, debris, 22" x 30" x 10"
Ad Astra per Aspera, 32" x 9" x 11," wire, fabric, string, paper clay, 2024
Ad Astra per Aspera, back and side view
Ad Astra per Aspera, back view
Off Course, wire, fabric, string, screen, paper clay, 34" x 16" x 19," 2023
Off Course, alternate view
Off Course, detail
When, 2022, mixed media, 29" x 12" x 6.5"
When, close-up
Treed, 2019, paper, wire, wood, cement, 68” x 20” x 12”
Treed, detail
Spiral, 2019, mixed media, 74” x 21” x 10”
Spiral, detail
Spiral, detail
Apathy, 2020, plastic, mixed media, 61” x 19” x 19”
On Point, 2021, plastic, mixed media, 71” x 13” x 9”
On Point, detail
A Pot of Gold, 2021, mixed media, 75 1/2” x 29” x 12”
A pot of Gold, detail
A Pot of Gold, Detail
Encounter, 2018, paper, wire, hemp twine, 24” x 8” x 4”
Homo sapiens, 2021, paper wood, wire, matches, 55” x 19” x 20”
Homo sapiens, side view
Homo sapiens, detail
Equilibrium, 2018, paper, wire, wood, 79” x 15” x 14”
Impossible Grace, 2022, wire, wood, cement, 74” x 16” x 14”
Impossible Grace
Silent Cut, 2022, paper, wire, wood, cement, saw blade, 60” x 11” x 9”
Silent Cut, detail
Australia on Fire, 2022, paper clay, wire, wood, 83” x 17” x 12”
Australia on Fire, back view
Australia on Fire, detail
Dance Anyway, wood, wire, paper clay, 15” x 6” x 7 ½, 2018
Letting Go, 2014, mixed media, approx. 7' x 5' x 7"
Letting Go, detail
Letting Go, detail
Holding On, 2014, paper clay, wood, string, mixed media, 89" x 4" x 5"
Self-Portrait w/Parachute, 2001, wire, paper, glass eyes, 12" x 9" x 9"
Blocked, 2019, cement, wire, paper clay, 7" x 3 1/2" x 4 1/2"
Distracted, 2016, mixed media, 77” x 14” x 17”
Distracted, detail
Distracted, detail
Illusion, 2018, hardware cloth, wire, paper clay, acrylic, 21” x 26” x 9”
Illusion, detail
Illusion, detail
Mortal, 2018, paper clay, wire, acrylic, 11” x 3” x7 ½”,
Undone, 2018, wire, paper clay, 9" x 11" x 9"
Handstand, 2017, wood, sand, thorns, wire, paper clay, 9" x 4" x 5"
Dropped/Caught, 2008, wood, sand, paper clay, 12" x 24" x 22"
Dropped/Caught, detail
Approaching Eye Level, 2008, wire, paper clay, twine, 48" x 30" x 6"
Approaching Eye Level, detail